Weekend inspiration for Black Risotto with Mozzarella Cheese.

Healthy, tasty, and different? Black rice fully fits this description. We also have a great risotto recipe.


  •  450g of cleaned and chopped butternut squash
  • 3 tablespoons of butter
  • fresh sage
  • salt and pepper
  • olive oil
  • 6 cups of broth
  • ½ chopped red onion
  • 1½ cups of black rice
  • ¼ cup of white wine
  • 2 cups of Parmesan cheese
  • 200g of mozzarella


Heat the oven to 180°C. Place the chopped pumpkin, sage, butter, and water in a baking dish. Add salt and pepper, then bake for about 25 minutes until the liquid evaporates and the pumpkin becomes soft. Remove the sage leaves, cool the pumpkin, and blend it into a puree with the addition of salt and pepper. Heat the puree over moderate heat. Meanwhile, heat the broth in another pan.

Heat the olive oil in a large pan, add the onion, and sprinkle with salt. Add the rice, stir cook for a minute, then add the wine. Stir until the rice absorbs it. Add a cup of warm broth, cook, stirring constantly, then add broth a little at a time, waiting for the rice to absorb it between each addition. Cooking takes 35 to 40 minutes. Add the pumpkin puree, a little bit of butter, salt, and pepper as desired. Season everything with Parmesan. Serve warm with pieces of mozzarella and a few drops of olive oil.


Enjoy your meal!