Weekend Inspiration for Turkey with Mlinci

Turkey fillet
1/2 bouillon cube
Sour cream
Provolone Mandarino Zanetti cheese
Cooking cream
Salt and pepper

Flatten the turkey fillets with a meat mallet, and then season them with salt and pepper. Heat some oil and fry the fillets on both sides until golden brown, then cut them into thin strips. Heat water and dissolve half a bouillon cube to make a broth. Break the mlinci into smaller pieces, but not too finely. Soak half of them in the broth until they soften, then remove them and repeat with the remaining mlinci. Mix the sour cream and cooking cream, then salt to taste. In a large ovenproof dish, layer the ingredients with frying oil at the bottom, followed by mlinci, mixed cream, and sliced meat. Repeat the process until all ingredients are used. Sprinkle Provolone Mandarino Zanetti cheese over the top layer of the mixed cream. Preheat the oven to 200°C and bake the mlinci for 20 to 30 minutes. Remove them from the oven and sprinkle with the remaining grated cheese. Let the cheese melt, then serve warm. Enjoy your delicious meal!