Sea bream and avocado

Prepare a different romantic dinner or simply treat yourself to a healthy and delicious meal. We bring you inspiration for an interesting combination of sea bream and canapé…


  • Two large fillets of sea bream
  • ½ cup millet
  • Two limes
  • Two pieces of avocado
  • Two young white onions
  • One tablespoon of dried coriander
  • Two pinches of ground pepper
  • 60 ml of olive oil
  • Salt – to taste


Wash the millet and cook it for about 20 minutes (or follow the instructions on the package), then drain and let it cool.

Peel and chop the avocado and spring onions. Put them in a bowl and add the cooked millet. Season with salt, dried coriander, the juice and zest of one lime, and extra virgin olive oil.

Gently stir to combine everything, being careful not to break the avocado pieces. 😊

First, season the sea bream fillets with salt and pepper, then fry them in a little olive oil over medium to high heat until they become golden brown.

Serve the fillets over the fresh millet and avocado canapés, and garnish with lime.

Enjoy your meal!