We all know the rule that fish should be on our menu at least once a week. In addition to having many positive effects on our body, it also rewards us with an irresistible taste that makes us always return to it so happily. Although it is known for its relatively quick and easy preparation, there are small mistakes that can sneak up on us – that’s why we bring you useful tips from experienced chefs that will help you choose, prepare, and serve your favorite fish with ease.


Choose Fresh

As in choosing any other food, when buying fish, you need to have enough knowledge and experience to be sure that you have found the best. In fresh fish, the eyes are shiny and clear, while the gills are clean and shine in reddish shades. If you are preparing frozen fish, be sure to take it out of the ice in time so that it thaws and be sure to dry the excess water with a cloth or kitchen towel.

Be Careful with Marinating

Unlike most types of meat that can be marinated for up to 24 hours, it is completely different with fish. If you plan to marinate, you should know that it is recommended that this process lasts from half an hour for fillets and smaller fish to a maximum of two hours for tuna and swordfish steaks, as well as fish such as sea bass, sea bream, and grouper. If you do not want to marinate the fish, it is enough to coat it with a small amount of olive oil and sprinkle with spices immediately before preparation.

Moderate Temperature

Whether you decide to fry, bake or marinate the fish, keep in mind that a low temperature is key in bringing out the full range of flavors. Also, before preparation, the pan or grill should be heated to the desired temperature to avoid sticking and breaking larger pieces of fish. To check if the pan is heated, sprinkle a few drops of water on it. If the water drops turn into balls that evaporate quickly, you are ready for your culinary venture. It is important to remember the rule that the fish on the pan or grill should be turned only once!

The Skin is Useful

If you are not a fan of the skin, you should not remove it before the actual preparation because it is responsible for preserving the aromas. If you are preparing salmon steaks, bake them with the skin facing down, and do not worry if you notice that the fish has stuck. After a few minutes, try again, and as soon as you manage to separate the skin from the surface, it’s time to turn the steak and continue with the preparation.


There is No Mistake in the Oven

Many will agree that preparing fish in the oven is the simplest process that results in a magnificent taste! If you haven’t taken this step yet, we suggest you try it with fish like grouper, mackerel, trout, sea bass, or sea bream. Simply sprinkle the fish with olive oil and salt, add spices, lemon slices, and a few cloves of garlic, wrap everything in foil and bake at 200°C for about half an hour. After that, remove the foil and bake for another 10 minutes to get a crispy, golden skin.

Select the Appropriate Side Dish

Since most fish have a characteristic taste, it is recommended to combine them with foods that will harmonize harmoniously with their aromas. Boiled potatoes, rice, spinach, cauliflower, or chard are ideal partners, which does not mean that you cannot serve it with your favorite vegetables as long as you follow the rule that the fish is the main star of your plate! If you are preparing the fish in the oven, you can add the side dishes to the baking dish or pan. Salmon, mackerel, and grouper go well with sauces based on cream, lemon juice, and garlic, and as for the choice of salad, a good old potato salad will not leave anyone indifferent. For those who are ready to try something new, we recommend a combination of red roasted peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, and olive oil.

And of course, don’t forget to visit our fish market, where you can always find the freshest catch from the rivers and the sea.