Weekend inspiration for a beef ragu that will delight everyone in the house!

Set aside a couple of hours and prepare a beef ragu that will delight everyone in the house.

The good news is that most of the time, it’s the stove that does the work because the longer the meat is cooked, the better the result. The meat will be more tender, intense, and full of flavor. In this recipe, the most important thing is to choose good meat. We used beef ribs, brisket on the bone, and Tuzla hot grill sausage Menprom.

We achieved full flavor by adding quality Tempranillo-Cabernet Sauvignon-Merlot, Aresan wine.

Follow the next steps, and you will have a superb lunch.

Ingredients needed:

  • 1/2 kg beef breast
  • 1/2 kg of beef ribs
  • 200-300 g of sausages
  • 1.2 kg of tomatoes
  • 2 onions
  • 4 dl of red wine
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato concentrate
  • 3 bay leaves
  • Fresh basil
  • 1 spoon of sugar
  • Salt and pepper


Cut one beef rib into three pieces. Cut the brisket into pieces about the same size as the ribs. Cut the sausages into two or three pieces. Season well with salt and pepper.

Heat a large pot, and fry the meat on all sides over high heat. At this stage, the meat must be fried, never boiled. In this way, they will not release their juices, but the delicious flavors will be prevented from coming out. Do the same with the sausages.

When everything has a nice color, pour in 3 dl of red wine and let it evaporate completely. Then add the chopped onion and bay leaves, reduce the flame and simmer until soft.

When the onion is done, add the chopped tomatoes and enough water to cover the meat.

Mix 2 tablespoons of tomato concentrate in the remaining 1 dl of red wine and add the mixture to the meat. Add fresh basil and a spoonful of sugar. The stove’s temperature must be such that the meat simmers gently.

Cooking will take two to three hours, during which time the meat will fall apart and taste fantastic. Taste and add salt or pepper if you think it’s lacking.

Serve with the side dish of your choice, such as pasta, polenta, or whatever you like.

Enjoy! 😊